Preparing Hotels For Safe Reopening Amidst The Pandemic

August 24, 2020

The global pandemic is one that has affected a lot of businesses across numerous industries. Apart from food and retail outlets, another that is particularly hard-hit is the travel and hospitality industry. While Singapore is gradually reopening hotels for staycations, it remains to be seen when the country can welcome travellers once again.

Nonetheless, if you are a manager or owner of a hotel, hostel, serviced apartment or other forms of temporary accommodation, it will be good to be prepared for the day you can reopen for business. Here are some things you should pay attention to before your reopening:

Implement safety protocols

In a time where health and safety are of utmost priority, you shouldn’t be endangering your staff, guests, or your company by infringing on the official measures for safe distancing and limits on social gatherings. Whether it’s the one-metre distance rule, or the 5-person gathering limit, ensure that every member of the staff team is clear on the rules and how they should be implemented.

You will likely have to set limits on the number of staff working as well, so do prepare a roster beforehand to account for this. These new protocols may seem like a hassle, but they are necessary for keeping everyone safe and keeping your business out of trouble with the law.

Have the needed infrastructure in place

To help you stay in line with safety protocols, you will also need to prepare the relevant items. For example, if your premises have not already done so, you will need to place markers to remind guests of the social distancing rule. In addition, you are required to have the SafeEntry tracing system implemented for your premises. It is recommended to display ample printouts of the QR code so that you minimise crowding at the entrance and exit.

Handheld thermometers or thermal scanners are also a must-have so that you can monitor your guests and staff before they enter the building. As these are crucial steps before you allow people into your premises, do also have some spare devices or batteries on hand.

Clean and disinfect

Don’t assume you can just open your doors to guests once the restrictions are lifted. The rooms are likely to have been sitting vacant and untouched for quite a while now, and will require a good cleaning before you can bring guests in. Apart from giving the bed linen a thorough wash, it would also be advisable to rope in pest control services to ensure no critters have made the premises their home. A pest control company can conduct checks and exterminations such as bed bug control to remove any existing pests in the rooms.

Additionally, you will need to step up cleaning and disinfecting procedures throughout the day, especially on highly frequented surfaces like door handles, tabletops, and lift buttons.


The reopening of hotels is definitely good news for people who work in hotels, but it also brings with it its share of risks. By observing all these steps, you can do your part in minimising the spread of the infection, and still keep your business running amidst the pandemic. If you require any assistance in the area of pest control, don’t hesitate to call PestClinic for professional pest management services.

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