Latin Name | Blattaria |
Length | Around 4cm |
Colour | Reddish-brown |
Common Sighting | Inside of walls, underneath washers, dark areas |
Latin Name | Blattaria |
Length | Around 4cm |
Colour | Reddish-brown |
Common Sighting | Inside of walls, underneath washers, dark areas |
Table of Contents
Quick Facts on Cockroaches
Apart from being one of the most common pests found in Singapore, cockroaches are also one of the most stubborn and tenacious. Their larger-than-average suite of genes allow them to survive even the most unfavourable environments, they can even metabolise nasty and toxic substances. Thus, it’s no wonder why getting rid of these pesky pests can be cumbersome and infuriating.
These pesky insects are a nuisance to our daily lives; they not only snack on foods that were left unattended, they also damage properties and leave their excrement as souvenirs. These cockroaches also pose health threats as they act as hosts to several pathogens, spreading them in homes and premises. The debris created by cast-off cockroach skin, droppings and dead bodies can exacerbate allergies, especially amongst children and sensitive individuals.
Often leaving an offensive odour, discovering these pests are not hard, especially if in enclosed areas. Since they are nocturnal insects, you most likely won’t see them in the day. If you did, it might mean they were likely forced out by overcrowding; a possible sign of infestation.
Sign of Cockroach Infestation
Cockroaches prefer to hide out in cracks and crevices during the day and are most active at night. They are drawn to food in your home and will eat almost anything, including food scraps and animal droppings.
Keep an eye out for these signs of a cockroach infestation:
- Unusual odour – Infested areas often emit a very strong odour, and will only become more pungent the larger their numbers.
- Damage – Examine any odd signs of damage, including food packaging and organic goods like books and leather.
- Cockroach specks – These dark-coloured specks may appear like grains of ground pepper, and are actually faecal pellets and regurgitated food matter.
- Egg cases – These egg cases may appear as small dark brown oval-shaped casings and are often left by recently hatched cockroaches.
- Smear marks – Look for signs of cockroach activity at wall-floor junctions and on horizontal surfaces. In areas with plenty of water, cockroaches leave behind brown, amorphous smear markings.
- Shed skin – Check in the areas you suspect they are hiding in. As cockroaches develop into adults, nymphal skins are shed 5 to 8 times.
To ensure a quick resolution to the issue and reduce health hazards related to roaches, it is critical to act right away if you detect a cockroach infestation. The sooner you recognise these cockroach warning signals, the sooner you may engage in cockroach control solutions.
What are the Cockroach Treatment and Control Methods in Singapore?
Many blame cockroach problems on poor housekeeping, and whilst this may hold a certain semblance of truth, cockroaches may also enter the home from the outside environment. These insects can easily hitch a ride on infested items that are brought inside the home, or enter through sewer pipes or drains. Some cockroaches can simply fly into your premises!
Whilst maintaining good housekeeping practices is one preventive method, employing expert and quality services is your best bet at keeping the situation under control. Some of these services include the following:
1. Gel Baits
These gel baits are usually applied in the cracks and crevices where you see evidence of activity. This treatment works by enticing cockroaches to eat the gel bait, consuming the insecticide contained within.
2. Cockroach Baits
Cockroaches are omnivorous scavengers that devour keratin – this means they eat other animals, both living and dead. They are not averse to eating their own kind as well! As such, when a cockroach dies from consuming a bait, this will attract other roaches to feed on it, which will effectively kill them. Those that eat the faecal matter of the poisoned cockroach will also receive similar fate, thus effectively curbing their population.
3. Insecticide Residual Spray
This is a treatment wherein the residual insecticide will continue to remain and persist for several hours to several weeks. The water-based solution is sprayed to possible harbourage areas such as bin chutes and gully trap.
4. Bin Chutes Fogging
One of the most prominent places that provide the optimal breeding playground for these insects is bin chutes. This poses a tremendous potential threat as it increases the likelihood of these pests invading the homes. Regular fogging bin chutes will effectively rid these cockroaches, and control and curb its population, especially if the correct preparation and methodology are incorporated.
Common Cockroach Species
The cockroach that Singaporeans see the most often in their homes is the American cockroach. Also known as Periplaneta Americana, its pronotum bears a yellow band, and its body is reddish-brown. These cockroaches can grow to a maximum length of 40 to 50 mm and are active both outdoors and indoors.
Also known as Blatella Germanica, the size of a German cockroach is about 20mm. They are tan or light brown in colour, while the adult German cockroaches have two dark stripes on their back as a telltale sign of their identity. Frequently seen indoors, specifically in the kitchen and in areas where food is prepared, this species’ control tactics are more difficult compared to other species. This is brought on by its rapid reproduction and the development of insecticide resistance.
The oriental cockroach, also called Blatta Orientalis, is one of the bigger species of cockroach. Oriental cockroaches enter homes by crawling under doors and via cracks. They can also enter through drains, sewers, and pipes. The hue of Oriental cockroaches ranges from lustrous black to dark reddish-brown. Even though they are both rather huge as adults, the female and male cockroaches look very different from one another. The smaller males have wings that are shorter, measuring only 25 mm in length. As a result, their bodies’ last few abdominal portions are exposed. Female oriental roaches, in contrast, grow to a length of 32 mm and lack wings. Instead, the first few body segments are protected by massive wing pads. Males and females look different, yet neither can fly.
PestClinic – Professional and Trusted Cockroach Control Services in Singapore
There are many ways to avoid a cockroach infestation, including proper food storage and regular cleaning. But what should you do if cockroaches have already made it inside your house, knowing that they reproduce quickly and have great resilience? To control the cockroaches in your home and limit their spread, it is imperative that you act quickly at the first sign of a possible infestation. When selecting a way to rid of this pest, it can be helpful to know what kind of cockroach you are dealing with.
Afterwards, rest assured that our experienced team at PestClinic will do their best to eliminate these cockroaches.
Frequently Asked Questions
What smell keeps cockroaches away?
Certain scents interfere with and cover up the scent trails that cockroaches use to find food. Thus, they have the ability to repel cockroaches, keeping them away from your home.
A few of these scents are:
- Essential oils – Tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, mint, and the like.
- Food items – Crushed bay leaves, coffee grounds, citrus, pandan leaves, cloves, garlic, and more.
Do keep in mind, though, that these smells do not actually kill cockroaches; instead, they may merely cause them to move to another spot as they attempt to avoid the scents. Furthermore, they lose their potency when the scent fades. In essence, these smells only serve as a temporary cockroach deterrent.
How to prevent cockroaches from rubbish chutes?
To identify breeding sources, it would be best to engage cockroach pest control service. However, here are a few tips to prevent cockroaches from entering through your rubbish chute:
- Set traps where necessary.
- Keep the surface of the chute and its vicinity dry.
- Regularly wash the chute and wipe it down.
- Avoid gaps by taping wherever you can.
- To ensure that the chute door is properly sealed, replace the rubber liner.
- Fix all taps and pipes that are leaking to ensure no water source for the cockroaches.
What are cockroaches scared of?
It is a known fact that roaches fear humans and animals larger than themselves, perceiving us as potential predators. Furthermore, roaches dislike the strong scent of essential oils and food with pungent scents, such as condiments and spices, because these things mask the cockroaches’ scent trails which they use to find food.
What attracts cockroaches in your home?
Cockroaches are attracted to homes with poor housekeeping and sanitation where food is easily accessible, in addition to the moisture and water that any pest and living being needs to survive.
Additionally, here are some other causes for cockroach infestations in your abode:
- Pest infestation nearby or next door.
- Items that are rotting inside the house, such as food scraps and garbage.
- Cockroaches can enter through a lack of proofing or openings.
- Structural flaws caused by wear and tear.
- Poor air circulation and ventilation in a humid home.