Pest Control Services

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Termites Control

 Termite damage is often detected late, leading to costly repairs. Early inspection is essential to prevent extensive damage.

Ants Control

Even in a clean home, ants can infest and quickly expand. Act swiftly at the first signs to contain them and prevent further spread.

Bed Bugs Control

Bed bugs cause irritation and discomfort. PestClinic offers effective bed bug control services to eliminate infestations.

Cockroach Control

Act quickly at the first sign of cockroaches to control and limit their spread.

Flies Control

The housefly is the most common type found in homes. Due to their high reproduction rate, prompt pest control is essential.

Mosquitoes Control

Mosquito-borne diseases are a risk. Protect yourself by removing breeding grounds

Rodents Control

Rats cause severe damage to household items and wires, leading to system failures and fires.

Other Pests

Common pests in nature can pose serious health risks, contaminate food, and even be deadly if left untreated.

A thorough termite inspection will be carried out for the entire premises. All active subterranean termites found will be treated with Above-Ground Baits with close monitoring every 2 weeks until certified Non-Active.

The objective of termite baiting is to place a food source that contains toxicants. Foraging termites that find the baits will consume and share the food containing the toxicant with their nest mate including QUEEN and KING through a process called trophallaxis. Termite removal will take approximately 2-12 weeks depending on the size of the colony, typically between 6-8 weeks.

Above Ground Termite Baits

Above-Ground(AG) baiting system typically delivers baits with toxicants to the termite trails from exposed mud trails above ground.

In Ground Termite Baits

In-Ground baiting system typically installed in the surrounding of the house (With Garden/Landscape). It acts as a monitoring station. Once termites are intercepted, toxicant bait will be placed in the station to eliminate the colony.