How To Identify Bedbugs And Their Common Hiding Spots

September 21, 2020

Bedbugs are one of the most annoying pests to have, because they are so hard to find, and they multiply so fast. Not to mention, they affect our lives by disturbing our precious sleep and having us suffer itchy, red bumps. To get a better fighting chance at finding and eliminating these pests, it’s important that you know all the right places to inspect. But first, you’ll benefit from a quick introduction to bedbugs.

What are bedbugs?

Bedbugs are brown, oval, and small insects that thrive on the blood of animals or humans. An adult bedbug has a flat body resembling the size of an apple seed. The bodies of bedbugs swell and become reddish after they feed on their host.

Although bedbugs have no wings and do not fly, they are quick crawlers and exceptional hiders. Female bedbugs can lay about 250-500 eggs in their lifetime. Just imagine how their population would explode if not kept in check!

While known as ‘bedbugs’, they are not only found on beds. Bedbugs go anywhere where they can access their food source, which could be anywhere that humans often sit or lie on.

Where do bedbugs typically hide?

Bedbugs are most active in warm and humid areas, and Singapore is a perfect example of that. As mentioned, they flock to where they can find a food source, which typically includes anything from beds, pillows, and mattresses, to sofas, clothes, and bags.

However, just looking at these areas isn’t enough, as bedbugs hide really well. Often, they are hiding in little crevices, such as in screwheads, the joinery of your bed frame, seams of your mattress, in a crack in a wall, and so on. That is why you might not easily find them even if your home is already infested with them.

Sometimes, you may find bedbugs amongst your belongings which you have brought home from travelling, or after a trip to a cinema, for example. You should especially be wary after going anywhere that you’ve sat in a chair or seat for a long time (e.g. planes, hotels), or used a common locker (e.g. gyms).

How do I tell if there are bedbugs around?

Looking for bedbugs can be tough. Instead, you can also look for signs of their presence, like their droppings and shedded skin. Here’s what some of these look like:

  • Faecal matter: These are tiny black dots, which look quite like an ink spot from a pen.
  • Bloodstains: These appear as rust-coloured spots on bedding material such as bedsheets and mattresses, a result of well-fed bedbugs being crushed.
  • Shedded shells: Bedbugs moult at least 5 times in their lifetime. These moulted casings look like bedbugs, but are transparent, and brownish or yellowish in colour.
  • Eggs: White, oval, and about 1mm long, bedbug eggs are rather hard to spot, and difficult to distinguish from other insect eggs.

What should I do when I encounter bedbugs?

There are plenty of remedies for bedbugs. Some say give the mattress a good vacuum, some say put the bedsheets in the dryer on high heat, and some even suggest placing belongings in the freezer. While all of these work to some extent, they won’t be too effective for more extensive infestations, or large items that you can’t easily wash.

Your best bet is to ring up a pest control company in Singapore that is experienced with bedbug control methods. These are professionals who have received training in pest control techniques, so rest assured they know exactly what they are doing.

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