Disinfection Service

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Disinfection Services Singapore

Disinfection Misting

We offer services for both pest control & disinfection cum odour removal program at great value.

Well loved by business owners and homeowners, we disinfect offices, schools, restaurants and homes to provide a pest-free & healthy environment for everyone.

The safety of your health is our top priority.

Call us for a non obligated consultation service.

How it works

The disinfection processed is carried throughout the entire premises with Mist Fumigation to eliminate odour and microorganisms.

Our disinfectant is non-corrosive and works through an electrical charge to prevent the microorganisms’ resistance to the solution. It can effectively eliminate 99.9999% of microorganisms, viruses and bacteria.

The disinfectant is:

  • 100% biodegradable and safe for the environment
  • Non-Irritant
  • Non-Corrosive
  • Non-Carcinogenic
  • PH Neutral
  • Laboratory tested and proven to be effective against any possible airborne or contact disease infections

Engage PestClinic to disinfect your place now.

A thorough termite inspection will be carried out for the entire premises. All active subterranean termites found will be treated with Above-Ground Baits with close monitoring every 2 weeks until certified Non-Active.

The objective of termite baiting is to place a food source that contains toxicants. Foraging termites that find the baits will consume and share the food containing the toxicant with their nest mate including QUEEN and KING through a process called trophallaxis. Termite removal will take approximately 2-12 weeks depending on the size of the colony, typically between 6-8 weeks.

Above Ground Termite Baits

Above-Ground(AG) baiting system typically delivers baits with toxicants to the termite trails from exposed mud trails above ground.

In Ground Termite Baits

In-Ground baiting system typically installed in the surrounding of the house (With Garden/Landscape). It acts as a monitoring station. Once termites are intercepted, toxicant bait will be placed in the station to eliminate the colony.