The pests that we commonly find in our homes come in many shapes and sizes, and bring in equally numerous health risks to you and your family. Although this is true to some extent, not all of them are dangerous, and some are even beneficial to a certain degree.
One of these ‘pests’ is the common house lizard/gecko. They were initially native only to Southeast Asian regions, but due to human introduction, they’re now found in many countries worldwide. We go over the seven facts that you need to know about them and the risks that they bring.
1. They’re attracted to light sources
In urban areas, they can commonly be found hanging about near bright light sources. The reason for this is not because they’re directly attracted to their glow or warmth, but because such places are where they can easily catch their prey - flying insects.
2. They’re insectivores
House lizards are naturally insectivorous, meaning that they’re known as a natural predator of pests that scurry about in your home, typically only going for the ones that are smaller than them.
3. Fruits and plants are part of their diet too
Despite being insectivores, they also eat fruits and plants. Other species even feed on vegetables and other vegetation as a substitute for their usual diet. If their population is left unchecked, they could ruin your garden or other decorative plants found in your home.
4. They smell by tasting the surrounding air
A lizard’s sense of taste and smell is arguably the strongest out of all their senses. These interrelated senses allow them to be fully aware of their surroundings, enabling them to discern the locations of prey, predators, and even potential mates.
5. They’re the least dangerous out of all household pests
Unlike houseflies, cockroaches, and other insect pests, the common house lizard does not carry viruses and diseases that can endanger human life. However, they do carry bacteria such as salmonella that can cause food poisoning. Additionally, their faeces can become hazardous due to contamination from the disease-carrying insects they typically feed on.
6. They can bite, but only as a last resort
Despite being harmless, there may be times when they can bite out of self-defence. There’s no need to be alarmed since their bites are not poisonous, but be sure to clean the wound thoroughly as soon as possible and apply antiseptic cream onto it to avoid infections.
7. They inherently have long lifespans
The common house lizard starts as an egg, and it takes them 40-60 days to hatch. After that, it takes them a year to mature into an adult, and they can live for up to an average of 10 years, with some species even having double the lifespan.
As stated, the house lizard is generally considered to be the least dangerous and problematic amongst other household pests. However, they can still pose a health risk if either their faeces or themselves come into contact with your food. Their presence in your home can also signal a secondary pest infestation, so it’s best not to rely on them for housefly and mosquito control and call on professionals instead.
At PestClinic, you can find a variety of pest control services to deal with any bug-related problem in your home. As knowledgeable experts in this field, we know exactly what needs to be done to eliminate the pesky bugs running about in your house. Count on us to deliver!